Saturday 8 May 2010


I looked behind me, I glanced and the glance turned into a long gentle study of things I liked.

Layers of open doors and curtains; peeps of a small hallway and a handmade draft excluder.

Checkered fabric pockets hang on deep grape walls that make me see, I now have a home.

A thank you card that is my view into a colourless yet atmospheric woodland.

And two carved elephants sit together whispering atop the speaker.

I do not normally allow things to sit on my speakers as they already have a function and shelves are best for sitting on if you are small and carved.

I do have chairs; that sit you up nicely! Garden green with floral prints, pinned back, upholstered and bronze studded.

Beautiful and uncomfortable and anyway I prefer to sit on the floor and admire the chairs.

There is a sofa you could slouch in, but I don't want to talk about that. Except to say that Le Chat Noir poster has slipped from its frame and glares at me from it's new home - behind the sofa.

It's 3.03pm and behind the blinds are clouds and behind the clouds is the sun.
But I still have enough colours in my room to make me see that I have a home.