Electric Blue by Alison E Martin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
Electric Blue
Here he is again knocking on my door, I could run
I know he’d like me to, I know he could make me run.
Save me again from this love thing
Save me from this pain, it’s all-good right now -
Yeah, but wait ‘til tomorrow, when I wake up.
Wait ‘til the light hits the truth; it was always there, never hides.
The truth was there but I did my best not to see it,
Even walked around it - damn…I nearly fell over it
And when it jumped up and waved its arms in my face
I turned my back on it, and when it flashed electric blue, at the corner
of my eye and every single one of my instincts screamed
‘FUCK! Did you see that?’
I said, ‘see what?’
‘There! There! Look, check out the truth!
It’s bright electric blue; don’t tell me you can’t see it’
I said, ‘sorry man - I don’t know what you’re talking about.’
And my instincts shrieked ‘YOU’RE A LIAR!’
But I’m havin’ sooo much fun and the truth don’t matter right now.
But In the morning… it’s a different kind of light.
In the morning, I see it now, in everything; the sheets, the pillows,
the duvet, the carpet, the walls, the ceiling, in everything the light hits; my skin, his skin
and the crease on his foot that looks like a smile.
And I close my eyes ‘cos I don’t want to look, but when I close my eyes,
all I see is electric blue.
Copyright © Alison E Martin 2007
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